Friday, March 29, 2013

Goodbye Robert!

My little brother Robert who is not so little anymore left on Wednesday for a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! He will be preaching the gospel to the good people of Recife, Brazil!

After many late night conversations and bonding times...
and many family functions..
and many vacations...

and many holidays...
and school activities together...

and many birthdays...

and a last family picture together...

It's time for you to serve the Lord for 2 years!

You're going to be a great missionary!

See you in two years Elder Hanna :)

Friday, March 8, 2013


Sometimes I don't burn my grilled cheese sandwiches...

 Sometimes I go hiking with my Nicole in the snow and it looks like she isn't wearing any pants...

Sometimes Jeff joins us and we explore abandoned buildings

Sometimes we hike off the main trail and head up in the snow, and can't get down...

 Sometimes we have to sit on my jacket and scoot down the mountain....

Sometimes I get to bandage up people for a class...

Sometimes Nicole and Jared sit like a lot of the statues I saw in Europe...

Sometimes I think it is okay to use liquid soap in the dishwasher...

Sometimes I have to use bags, towels, bowls, hours, and google to fix it...

 And sometimes I get a letter that stops mid-sentence with no explanation...

...Okay so maybe these are all firsts and not sometimes... At least this didn't happen to me:

Oh wait... yes it did! Haha, happy weekend y'all! :)