Thursday, December 20, 2012

That One Friend...

Ever have one of those days where your life is flipped upside down? Or maybe a week? A month? A year? One of those times where burdens get so heavy, that is is impossible to stand, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually? One of those times where you are dragged down to your knees, to beg for help and mercy to see you through?

I'm sure you have, because if you are reading this, you have been a participant in this life for a good few years to know at least a little heartache or a few rough patches.

Luckily, there is a Friend I can ask for help. Someone who knows my heart, who hears my cry, who can heal the hurt in my heart, and that is my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that He is the only one who knows exactly what I am feeling, and why I am feeling it. I know that He loves me, and though sometimes my burden is not taken away, it is lightened or shared. He is that one friend I can count on, anytime, for any reason.

I am also so deeply grateful for my friend and sister, Jannette. She has the light of Christ, and has been an instrument in His hands tonight, to help my tender and broken heart and spirit. She is that one friend on earth I can call, anytime, for any reason. 

This Christmas Season I urge you to draw closer to Him whose birth you celebrate every year. Mend a friendship, serve a fellow child of God, apologize to a family member, forgive someone you haven't been able to in the past. No matter how hard life can seem, I can promise you you have a best friend in Heaven looking out for you, and people here on earth that are willing to step in and help you.