Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sweet 'N' Simple

What represents me? How do I define myself? Who is Lindsey Hanna?

I have pondered quite a bit on these questions lately. For a school project, I was asked to pick 3 to 4 items that define me. They were to represent who I am and what I am. They are to portray me and my culture. After much thought, I have come up with four items that I think can give you a pretty good idea of who Lindsey Hanna is.

First are my scriptures. 

I chose my scriptures, because they represent my faith, my morals, my character. They represent what I stand for, who I truly am at my core. They define how I try to live my life, and what I am striving to do and become. One of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." I am trying to be a good person. I know I am of divine worth, I know I am a priceless daughter of the Creator of the Universe. Above all, THAT defines me, and what I want to be.

Second is my phone.

I chose my phone for a couple of reasons. One, to represent the "now" world we live in, that I am a part of. I have endless access at my fingertips. This has shaped my life to be fast-paced, always on the go. If I am not doing something, I am "wasting time." Second, I am connected. I very much identify myself and define myself by those I am closest to. I am miles and miles from my family, but with my phone I am able to keep up with them, and to tell them things about my life, and hear about things in theirs. I am also able to reach my friends on my phone, and access Facebook to catch up on people I haven't had contact with in a while. I am a people person. One of the worst things that I feel could happen to me is getting stuck in a lonely office job for years on end. I am shaped and molded by those closet to me.

Third are my running shoes.

I chose these for an interesting reason. I am not a runner. I have never particularly enjoyed running. But I do enjoy trying new things, and achieving goals. These shoes define me because they represent hard work, trying new things, and going places. I have had a wonderful life, even though I have had a decent amount of trials. I am who I am because I try. Because I work at the hard things that come up, whether I enjoy it or not. I go running at least twice a week not because I love it, but because I want to love it, and I want to work hard at a weakness that I have. 

Fourth is my key.

I chose a key because I really enjoy locking my roommates out. We have a fascination with locking each other out when one leaves without their key, and then you open the window and make them do a ridiculous dance, the truffle shuffle, or sing very loudly in order to re-enter the apartment. I love fun. I love pranking. I very much enjoy the simple things in life that make me laugh or smile, and the key represents something that to most people would just be a device to get into a building/room, but for me it unlocks countless opportunities. 

I was trying to come up for a title for this blog, it is supposed to be a "label" that sums me up. I have thought long and hard about it, and I finally decided on "sweet 'n' simple." I think life is such a tender and sweet experience that I am a part of, I try to gain as much as I can from each day and each experience. Simple, because there is simply not a single word or phrase that can describe me or who I truly am. I am Lindsey Hanna. Sweet 'n' simple. 

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