Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Heck to the Yes!!!

I cannot begin to express how happy/excited I am! a little over a month ago, I received one offer for an EFY position that I couldn't take. I was crushed. Being an EFY counselor has been my dream job since I was 14, and they didn't want me! It was hard for me. But! They bamboozled me!!! Yesterday, I came home from class, and I have 5 offers of Provo EFY counseling positions! I was truly shocked! I got the sessions I wanted, with a one week break in between! I am SO stoked! It was the best news I could have gotten yesterday!

Also, on another happy note, I am related to some pretty stellar people. I can't even begin to describe how proud I am of each of them in their accomplishments! I could brag nonstop about them, but I think I will leave it at that!

A few more things to share! Conference weekend was GREAT!!! So many great things were said, and getting to stay at home and hang out with the best roommates ever, I would say it was a success! April fool's day was on Sunday, and I just might have gotten Jannette pretty well. ;) But, of course she had to get me back, and all of my underwear was gone! That is the second time I've had that happen to me in 2 years! It was funny and I am happy to say I got them back.

Life is so good, and I would like to give a little shout out to Dallas and Braden, for being some awesome worthy priesthood holders. I may not know why a lot of things are happening right now, but I do know that it is a chance to learn from it. Challenge accepted!

1 comment:

  1. You should know by now that messing with me has its consequences!
